Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Early Eighties Look

This is a rare picture of my grandparents together. I lived with them the first twenty-one years of my life.

Fourty Years Ago In The Woodshed

This was taken in1970-71 at my Grandparents.
I was blessed to have them as parents. They supported me by giving me a roof over my head
and a place to play the drums.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chicago 10-10-10 Marathon

Liz and I trained together for this marathon. We ran twenty miles at a good pace and I started to struggle. Liz finished strong and I was several minutes behind her. What a wonderful marathon to call my last 26.2

Sunday, February 13, 2011

On Your Carolina 2010 The Travis Smith Project

The summer of 2010 was a great one. I enjoyed working with Todd McGowan on Bass, Dana Bradley -Vocals and Travis Smith Lead Vocals and Guitar

Good Memories From The Eighties

Memories from the eighties on stage with Neal Schon and Richie Compton. High Point,NC 1986
Journey was playing in Greensboro the next night. The Raised On Radio Tour

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Relaxing Is Important

Pam and I together in Mexico on vacation last year. 2010 was a busy year for us. This trip was exactly what we needed.

Chicago 10-10-10 Marathon

This picture was taken early. Things changed at mile twenty. I had to regroup to finish the marathon. That is the reason they call it a marathon and not a sprint.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Leading An Inspired Life

The late Jim Rohn and me. This was taken at a seminar in 1997 Jim was one of my favorite authors and speakers. I still read the journal I wrote at this seminar.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Public Speaking Is A Mental Exercise

We work a different part of the brain when giving a speech. Toastmasters International has a program that offers a positive environment for learning the art of communication and leadership.
A Toastmasters Club gives you a chance to exercise your mental muscle by thinking on your feet. For six years I've been a member of this great organization....Check out a club near you!

Having A Craft Is Great For Your Health

Playing drums for forty one years has been a wonderful experience. Sometimes I get the opportunity to play a show and get paid or I'll play a benefit for a cause that I believe in.

"It's a craft that keeps me young at heart."

Friday, February 4, 2011

Spring Festivals Are Only A few Weeks Away

Last year The Travis Smith Project played several shows in Greenville,SC

This photo was taken at the Peace Center Amphitheater 2010

Constant Energy

The best way to have constant energy is positive self- talk. We all talk to our self in negative or positive way. When the little voice is telling us that we can't do something it causes us to choke.

Read the book What To Say When You Talk To Yourself by Shad Helmstetter,PhD
I read this book decades ago and it changed my self -talk.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Enjoying Life Is Good For Your Health

I went to a luncheon today in Greenville,SC at the Embassy Suites.

The Keynote Speaker was Chuck Leavell pianist for The Rolling Stones.

The first time I saw him perform in 1974 was with the Allman Brothers Band at the August Jam in Charlotte,NC

Thanks to Angela Viney for inviting me to the event and for introducing me to Chuck.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Thinking Power

I just finished reading the "Power of Positive Thinking" by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
It's amazing how you can read a book over and over and always find something useful.