Thursday, December 30, 2010

Physical Fitness Helps Mental Fitness

The last quarter of the year has been a true test. The death of several loved ones, and the process of renovating a house has been stressful. It makes me appreciate being able to workout more than ever. The mental advantage of being in shape is a key component of a physical lifestyle.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wasn't Pretty But I Finished

Everything was going great until mile twenty. The sun was beaming on my bald head and nausea became my enemy. Finish time was 5:16:16 and I placed 26,271st out of 36,159 finishers. Over 45,000 people started the marathon and nearly 10,000 dropped out.

It wasn't pretty but I finished!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

2010 Chicago Marathon 0ctober 10th

It has been a brutal training season for this marathon. The weather was almost unbearable, hot, humid,and dry. The hardest part of training is de-training before the big day. With only four more days to go, and all the training is over, anticipation starts to build up. I'm ready for this marathon!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Back From A Blog Break

Life has been hectic but good. I'm finishing a marathon training program and I will be running the Chicago Marathon October 10,2010. Running, finding a new home, music projects, building a business will give me plenty to blog about.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Weighing Everyday Could Drive You Crazy

People who wish to lose weight and weigh everyday drive me crazy. They take off their shoes before getting on the scales. They need immediate gratification, if they don't get it their day is ruined. The best approach is to pay attention to how your close fit at the beginning of your program.....this is the best way to gauge the loss of body fat.

For the most part if your clothes are fitting more loosely you are losing body fat...If they are fitting more tightly, you're gaining body fat.

Weighing once a week should be enough. Try these three things :

  • Be consistent with what you are wear
  • Use the same scale if possible
  • Weigh at approximately the same time on the same day each week

Monday, May 17, 2010

Loving Life And Using My Gifts

Playing drums is one of my passions it is physical and mentally challenging. I returned to performing live last Saturday after twenty three years. Taking time away from playing to get my life in order was something I needed to do. The love for playing drums never went away and I'm thankful to still have the gift.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We all Have Vices

Physical activity helps keep bad vices from taking over our life. It is easier to teach this lifestyle than it is to live it. I've struggled with many, but fitness has always brought me through them.

"Making sure that we have more good habits than bad ones is the key to keeping issues at a respectable distance."

Moderation in all things is a great proverb to live by.

Stay healthy, and enjoy life!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Running Hills Can Be Fun

Make a game out of running hills and work them into your routine. Be consistent and you'll get better. Try not to look at the top, look a few yards out. This will ease the pain of knowing how steep or how long the hill is going to be. Hills can be fun and they are a great conditioning tool.

Have fun!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Hard Work Pays Off For A Client

I brought my exercise mat with me and I'm doing my exercises. I'm getting stronger thanks to you. I was able to go kayaking, my arms held up to paddle, and my back didn't give out.

Thank you for that,
Diane W.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Get Moving, Enjoy Life, Be Fit

To many people are spectators, out of shape,wishing for things to get better. Don't sit back and watch things happen, make things happen, enjoy your life. Get fit!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Roll Over Or Roll Out Of Bed?

The choice is what makes the difference in how we feel and the way that we look. Let this small discipline make a huge impact on your self-image. Make time for yourself at the beginning of each day. Let it be your hour of power!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Make Excuses Or Get Fit

We can make excuses or we can get fit, but we can't do both. We all have twenty four hours in a day, it's up to us to make fitness a priority.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Recovery Takes Longer Past 50

Getting old isn't for sissies, we have to except the fact that recovery from a hard workout, or a night out, takes us longer to get over. It has been one of the worst reality checks of this decade.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Unstoppable Past Our Fifties

Our bodies can keep doing incredible things in our fifties. We have to make exercise and nutrition a priority. We don't have to give into the health care scare.
" If we take care of ourselves, we'll be way ahead of the system."

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Law Of Inertia

A body at rest tends to stay at rest; a body in motion tends to stay in motion. A basic law of physics is on your side. There will never be a better time to begin than this very moment.

Do it now!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Number -Three Antidote To Aging

Attitude is the little thing that makes a huge difference in the aging process.

A good attitude and gratitude makes us more attractive. It is some of the best medicine known to man. It doesn't cost anything, start taking it today, and get the results!

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Number-Two Antidote To Aging

Good dietary habits play a major role in our ability to age gracefully. They have a major impact on our body composition, body weight, and physical health. Most Americans eat too much, and they don't burn enough calories. As a result, about three out of four adults in the United States are over weight... It is time to get moving America!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Number-One Antidote To Aging

Exercise is by far the single best thing that you can do for aging. If a person can exercise and doesn't, it shows no respect for their life. Our health care system is broken because people want take care of themselves.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Worry Can Be A Wasted Emotion

It's been said that 98% of the things that we worry about never happens. If we would spend that energy doing positive things for ourselves and others, we would worry less and be happier.

Taking life one day at a time, and being the best that we can be should bring us satisfaction.
Physical fitness plays a vital role in dealing with worry and depression. Don't give into worry,
kick it's butt with a solid fitness plan.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Why Use A Personal Trainer Or Coach?

Everyone is different, and everyone has to find their on road to health and fitness. A Personal Trainer or Coach will help you along that road.

They will create a program that will work for you. "Don't settle for less than you can be."

Live life with passion!

Monday, March 1, 2010

95% Of People That Start A Fitness Program Fail

There are several reasons for this high rate of failure. The number one reason is that people are lazy and they procrastinate. They have a stinking attitude toward fitness and nutrition.

The second reason is that they have bad or ineffective training and poor eating habits.

The third reason is people expect a easy way out. There is no easy way to a disciplined workout and nutritionally sound lifestyle.

It takes guts and hard work, but once the benefits begin to show, you'll never be the same.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Advantages Of Adversity

Adversity makes us uneasy, we either retreat and become a victim or fight and become a victor.

Good health takes work, but so does bad health. Challenges are to make us better not bitter,
we are to do the best with what we have.

" The biggest room of all is the room for self-improvement."

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Man's Best Medicine

Walking is the number one sport in the world. All you need to get started is a good pair of walking shoes. Why bother with walking?

Here are some of the positive benefits.
  • Eases back pain
  • Slims your waist
  • reduces levels of bad cholesterol
  • Reduces the risk of a heart attack
  • lowers blood pressure
  • lessens anxiety&tension
  • Easy on joints
  • Slows down osteoporosis

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Gifts Of A Great Trainer Or Coach

They will warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone.

"Paul's final advice still holds true, thousands of years later!"

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

There Is No Secret To Good Health

Good health comes down to plain, good common sense. There is a heavy price to pay for neglecting the easy things that we can do for good health. Keeping fit is not a tedious job.

Is it better to be able to walk, and not walk, or not able to walk at all ? The decision not to walk is worst. Because you can and you want.

Giving your body good, wholesome food is easier than doping it with artificial stimulants.
Making better choices on a daily basis will lead you on the road to health &Fitness.

"Moderation in all things."

Sunday, February 14, 2010

What's Up Americans

Eighty five percent of Americans are on some type of prescription drug. Just about as many have no exercise program, and they have terrible eating habits. We wonder why health care
is so costly, and we refuse to take better care of ourselves.

We can send men to the moon, but we can't figure out that our actions and the lack of physical activity is a major cause of health care increases.

Imagine what would happen , if everyone went on a mission to to get into their best shape ever!

We would go to doctors for routine check-ups instead of sickness.

If we do all that we can to take care of ourselves, and we become ill, at least we will have done our part.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

There Is A Cure For The Winter Blues

Stay active, go outside, and get a little sun . Don't give into the temptation to stay inside and eat.
Most people put on a few pounds every winter and that is depressing. Spring is only a few weeks away, so start today making plans. You will feel better!

"We are designed for action."

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Physical Fitness Has A Cost So Does Bad Health

You can choose either, but be prepared to pay the price for your choice.

Spend time and money staying fit or spend money and time visiting your doctor.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Not Doing Your Best Messes With Your Head

It is the major cause of low self -esteem and depression in this country. Change starts with your mind. Your body will follow, so take action on your new fitness lifestyle. You will be amazed at how being on a fitness journey will effect all areas of your life.

It takes about twenty one days to form a new habit. Starting a personal development program
will change the way you feel about yourself.

Follow your passions and learn more about them. Read the books, take some classes. Get a library card, they are free.

I have been on this journey the last twenty five years of my life. The first twenty five years were hit and miss. I feel better in my fifties than I've ever felt.

I realize that I can't fix the past and that my best days are ahead!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Stuck In A Rut?

Variable Intensity Physical Training

It could be the answer to your blues. Run hill sprints and wind sprints to juice up your workout. Jump rope between sets of weight training or ride the stationary bike. Keep the muscles confused, it is a great way to reduce fat and to bring out serious muscular definition.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Sports Performance Takes Commitment

The ability to achieve a high level of physical function within a given sport takes time . How much are you willing to give up? Weekend warriors often struggle, because they don't take the time during the week to practice.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Taking Your Good Health To The Next Level

Go to your Doctor and get a physical before beginning a fitness program. It is better to be safe than sorry. Physical Fitness is a set of attributes that relates to the ability to perform physical activities.

A good program will help you with your strength, endurance, and flexibility.

Remember to gradually work yourself up to different levels of fitness.

Get the mental edge!

Monday, February 1, 2010

What Defines A Healthy Body?

It is the absence of disease or injury along with physical, mental, and social well being. Don't compare yourself to others. If you are healthy in all areas of your life, get excited. There is always room for self improvement. A healthy soul, body, and spirit are the key ingredients.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Brisk Walk Is Good For Your Engine

A brisk walk will help keep the immune system in good shape. Go for a brisk walk your immune system receives a boost that will increase your chances of fighting off cold viruses.

"It's like putting gas in your car, the more you do it, the better it runs."

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Common Sense Approach To Fitness

Fitness doesn't come in a pill or a powder. Look at all the Pro-Athlete's that have gone down that road. It takes work and good nutrition ,to become and stay fit.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fitness Tools For The Healthy

I found a great tool on the the weather channel for gaging your fitness level. click on fitness tools. Read the disclaimer!

Monday, January 25, 2010

A Thankful Heart Makes A Healthier Heart

Replacing your regrets with gratitude is great way to strengthen the heart muscles. A positive attitude and a grateful heart will accelerate your physical fitness program.

Cicero said," A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all virtues."

Give it a try, find out for yourself. It doesn't cost anything!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Making Yourself Better Is A Boomerang

A decision to launch past mediocrity will pull others with you. When we make the best of what we have and share our gifts,others will follow. Take the time to mentor or coach someone and help them get ahead. You will find this to be one of the most satisfying experiences of your life.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Don't Take Good Health For Granted

It is easier to keep than it is to get it back. A few simple disciplines practiced everyday and you are on your way to better health. Most people take better care of their car than they do their health.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Are You Healthy?

Having good health means : The absence of disease or injury along with physical, mental and social well being. Don't take it for granted. Do all that you can and let God handle the rest.

Is Getting In Shape A Goal Or A Wish?

If getting into shape is a wish then you are thinking about. If it is a goal and you are taking action you are committed.

Commitment: Is doing something you said you would do, long after the enthusiasm of the new has worn off.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Everybody Has Time To Exercise

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. This is the biggest excuse and the craziest. Most people watch hours of TV, eat to much, sleep to much, and they don't have time to exercise.

We are going to live until we die. What if we get lucky and grow old? Wouldn't it be better to be able to do for ourselves? Don't depend on others, it us up to us to be proactive.

You don't have to be skinny to be fit. Heavy people can be fit and healthy. Don't compare yourself to others or pictures that you see on the covers of magazines.

Take back your life! Get busy, Get fit!

Monday, January 18, 2010

A Peaceful Mind Generates Power

To be healthier and happier we need a renewing of the mind.

"be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2"

Lubricating our mind with peace does wonders for our strength and rest!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Benefits Of Walking

Don't under estimate the power of walking. Many countries are facing the highest incidence of obesity than ever before in recorded history. The United States has the greatest number of medical doctors using some of the most advanced medical technology than ever before. If we aren't doing things for ourselves, then we best get off our butt and get moving now !

Factors that can be the cause of our declining health are:

Lack of exercise !
A decline in food quality such as processed food and soil depletion.
Water consumption is being replaced with sugar - laden beverages.
People believe that health can be found in a bottle or drug (85% of Americans are on at least one prescription drug !}

None of us can say that we don't have time to walk. The body is designed for action so get moving!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Keep It Real And Have Fun

Don't let exercise be so stressful, keep it fun! There are seven basic movement patterns that we need to make it through life. These patterns are : pushing, pulling, twisting, bending, lunging, squatting and gait ( sprinting, jogging, and walking ). Variety is the key to less stress and having fun. Keep it real and stay healthy!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Exercise Of Gratitude

The exercise of gratitude will never fail to strengthen your faith and renew your purpose. Be thankful for each day and live life with passion. Do something today that will start you along the road to better health. Eat an apple, take a walk around the block, stretch yourself. It is easy to do and it is easy not to do.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Never Quit !

The road to fitness and health is a life long road. We are constantly trying to keep death at a respectable distance. Do the best that you can with what you have. We are different shapes and sizes but we can get into better conditioning. Remember the story of the Covered Wagon crossing the plains toward the Golden West?-

"The Coward never started,
The Weak died on the way,
Only the strong came through!"

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Running On The Beach

I'm at Myrtle Beach for a Leadership Summit. I'm excited about running on the beach in the morning. It is one of my favorite places to run. I get to listen to the waves tonight as I sleep.
Running on the sand takes a little more effort but I love the way it makes me feel.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Fitness For The Traveler

Staying fit or getting into shape isn't easy if you travel for a living. Being creative and having a dogged determination will give you an advantage. "Remember that fat doesn't take a holiday."
Here are a few suggestions for you to consider. Pack your workout clothes and a jump rope.
If your Hotel doesn't have a fitness center walk up and down the stairs or go outside and jump rope. It is not always safe to run or walk where you aren't familiar. Jogging in place, jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups and other exercises can be done in your room. No more excuses!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Running On A Cold Day

A client and I ran at 7:00 this morning. It was 19* the real feel was 7* with 10 mph wind gust!
To handle the cold I wore two pair of gloves, socks and Nike Pro layered upper and lower wear... We ran five miles and all is well! Preparation is the key!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Want To Feel Better?

Get moving ,the body is designed for action. Take a walk around the block,do some push ups,it doesn't matter,just keep moving! Action is the name of the game!