Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What Has Gone Wrong?

Over fifty percent of our young men can't pass the physical exam to enter our armed forces.
We need to declare war on inactivity, our nation is out of shape. We have got to get moving!

1 comment:

  1. The Wheel of Buddhist Terms Poster as immersive ethics holographic augmented reality semantic search AI learning tool.


    The Wheel Of Buddhist Terms Poster http://bit.ly/TWoBTP2 and GTD flowchart Poster http://bit.ly/GTDflowchart2

    Matthew Lane Tripp EXTINCTCULTURE


    The Wheel Of Buddhist Terms Poster http://filefactory.com/file/a1dh78a/n/DEST2899.jpg and GTD flowchart Poster http://filefactory.com/file/a1dh8b0/n/DEST2900.jpg


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