Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Do You Need Help?

Let's do the best we can with what we have. A new decade starts in a couple of days. Ten years will go by fast! What is your good health plan? Are you pleased with your physical abilities after the last decade? Get started today with a new positve health practice. Your spirit will soar and your body will thank you !

Need Help? Contact me at

Monday, December 28, 2009

Diet's Don't Work

I don't like the first three letters in die-t. If a person is struggling with their weight my advice for them is to see a dietitian. I've trained people that wanted to lose weight but could not get their eating habits under control. It takes a lifestyle change to get results and an expert in dietetics is a place to start! Proper nutrition and a balanced exercise routine is the key to life long fitness! Have A Healthy, Happy, Prosperous, New Year !

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Take Time For Yourself

"The ultimate of being successful is the luxury of giving yourself the time to do what you want to do." Leontyne Price
I 've learned to give myself an hour of power time. It is the most important hour of my day. Give it a try and find out for yourself !

Make A decision To Defy Aging

I've been a fan of Dr.Bob Delmomteque for decades. His old school training has been a part of my approach toward fitness and lifestyle. "Make a clear decision to defy aging and grow younger as you grow older." Ckeck out Dr.Bob at

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Don't Atrophy Away

Some experts say 85% of the aches and pains experienced by America's older population are a direct result of muscular atrophy,and therefore any safe and effective fitness program should incorporate a variety of exercises to develop all area's of the body. Strength, endurance,and flexibility, should be part of the big picture!

Happy Holidays !

Monday, December 21, 2009

How To Eat

Eat to live,don't live to eat. Make sure that you take your time and enjoy the food. Taste the food,be there. Talking about business or domestic problems isn't a good idea while you're eating.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Are You Eager To Get On With The Day?

If not,Why? There will never be another now, make the most of you,make the most of your day's. Get in your best shape,start today,enjoy the benefits for the rest of your life.
"Life is to be lived with passion."

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Habits rule most of our actions,but they are mostly mental,and a changed mental attitude can change a bad habit to a good one. Start a new positive habit today!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I Dare You!

I dare you to exercise! Keep yourself fit and enjoy the consequences. William H Danforth wrote in his book. I Dare You!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

This is my favorite time of year. It is a great time to start a fitness program. In the morning go out for a walk or run before breakfast. Be thankful that you can walk or run. Our body is designed for action. You will feel much better! A new health plan starts with a walk around the block and a nutritious small portioned meal.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Old Skool Fitness

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What Has Gone Wrong?

Over fifty percent of our young men can't pass the physical exam to enter our armed forces.
We need to declare war on inactivity, our nation is out of shape. We have got to get moving!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Trail Running With Friends

Trail running is one of my favorite ways to exercise. It is an adventure each time,you never know what you're going to see.This morning we ran nine miles in two hours. We walked two minutes after each mile. The weather was perfect and the trails at South Park were in good shape!

Friday, November 13, 2009

A Perfect Morning

This morning was perfect for a two mile walk outside. I walked with a client, we walked around town and climbed the stairs at the library several times. Getting fresh air first thing in the morning gives me the energy to get through the day. I stretched when I got home and ate a good breakfast. It was my hour of power !

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Great Way To Start The Day

This morning the rain and wind woke me up around 4:00. I went to the Gym and ran a mile on the treadmill,stretched, worked my abs, fifty push ups and I feel great! It only takes about thirty minutes of maintenance to feel good about yourself. The body is designed for action , do something daily.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

Fitness Goals

Setting fitness goals is a good idea but most of us find it hard to stick to them. Life seems to always get in the way of our plan's. We get frustrated and quit before we get started, It doesn't have to be so complicated. Now is the time to create your hour of power or thirty minutes if that's all the time that you can spare for the most important person on earth-You! We all have twenty four hours in a day and we can chose how to use them. Start with thirty minutes and do it for twenty one days and you'll see and feel the difference. Take a walk around the block, do some push ups, stretch, get moving and enjoy your personal power time.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Body Is Designed For Action

After a few days of light workouts ,I'm ready to get physical again.

"Physical inactivity,quite simply,extinguishes an individuals spirit."

Monday, June 8, 2009

Over The Fifty Year Old Mark

I turned fifty-one today and I feel better than I did at thirty-one. Yesterday I put myself through a test by attempting The Chattooga 50K. Although I only completed the first sixteen miles,It was one of the most beautiful runs of my life. Trail running is something new for me,I didn't know what to expect. Jason Sullivan and I ran the trail together making it a fun event. This was Jason's second 50K and he was very helpful. A man broke his ankle a couple miles into the run, It made us aware of how dangerous the trail could be. About three miles into the run bee's were a problem stinging me four times near my ankle. The terrain was though on my feet,blisters and inflammation began to take over. At the ten mile mark it was hard to plant my feet, I knew that I was in trouble. It was obvious that my feet were not going to get any better so I pulled out of the run. It was a great experience,something I'll always be proud of. Running has been a part of my life for over forty years. It has always been my goal to stay healthy!
God Bless, Happy Trails!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Experience Is A Great Teacher

I've been blessed with the opportunity to help people get and stay in shape. Averaging five to six sessions a day-1300 sessions a year -20800 over the past sixteen years gives me great pleasure. Watching people change their lifestyle and attitude keeps me in the game!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

More About Old Skool Fitness

My enthusiasm for fitness started at a young age because there wasn't much to do in Union,SC. All the boys in my neighborhood were active. We boxed, played football, baseball, and went for runs:anything to stay out side. In 1993 I turned my passion for fitness into a stream of income.
I was an apprentice at The Personal Trainer - One To One Fitness in Spartanburg,SC for two years. In 1995 I got more basic training at Exercise Etc. a program for personal trainers and I trained at Nautilus Fitness in Spartanburg from 1995- 1998. In 1997 I was Certified through Nautilus Fitness. I've continued to work on my craft by going to seminars and by walking my talk.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Weekend Training

This weekend was exciting my running partners and I ran The Camp Croft Trails. We started at 6:30am and ran for two hours. The trails were in good condition and the weather was perfect. We're four weeks away from our 50k trail run June 7,2009. Today I ran five miles with a friend at Duncan Park and I felt strong and recovered.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Yesterday Was A Test

I'm training for the Chattooga 50k Trail Run in June.Last weekend was my first trail run. I ran for seven miles.This weekend I had to change my plans because my lower back was spastic.I decided to walk four miles to see if my back would be ok.I stretched after the walk and that seemed to help.I rested a couple of hours, and practiced drums for an hour, before walking again.I wasn't comfortable enough to run but I walked for two more hours for a total of twelve miles for the day.I feel fine and I'm glad that I was conditioned enough to keep moving.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Do You Want To Start Jogging?

The best way in my opinion to start jogging is to find a safe place . Start out walking at a moderate pace, after a few minutes of warming up, increase your speed to a fast walk. Once you're comfortable walking faster, set a goal to jog for one minute. Return to walking fast until you have recovered. Your jog should not be much faster than your fast walk pace, because it takes time to train your lungs to take in the oxygen. When you finish jogging ,it's a good idea to do a few stretches to help with soreness. Being consistent is the best way to get better!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What Is Your Health Plan?

The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing! The body is designed for action,do something everyday. It doesn't have to be hard,go for walk,do push ups,jump rope,something
is better than nothing. What is your health plan?